What Is Skip Tracing In Real Estate And How Can It Help You?

Skip tracing is a process used to locate a missing person or property. In real estate, skip tracing is used to locate a property that has been sold or leased. By using various tools and databases, skip tracing can help find out the history of a property, who has been in contact with it, and any possible issues or liens associated with it.

What is Skip Tracing in Real Estate?

Skip tracing in real estate is a process that agents use to try and locate a past or present tenant of a property. By following up with the previous tenant, it’s possible to get more information about their whereabouts and whether they’ve moved on or been evicted. If the previous tenant has left behind valuable information, such as a forwarding address or phone number, skip tracing can help your real estate agent make an offer on the property sooner. 

Real estate agents typically skip trace when they’re preparing to put in an offer on a property, in order to mitigate any risks that the tenant might have already found a new home. By getting more information about the tenant’s situation, the real estate agent can better understand the property and its potential worth.

Skip tracing is a process whereby real estate agents or buyers can verify the ownership of property by tracing its previous owners. By doing so, skip tracing can help buyers avoid shady deals and protect their interests in a potential property sale.

The first step in skip tracing is identifying the property’s current owner. This can be done through public records and other sources, such as deeds, mortgages, and tax records. Once the current owner is identified, the next step is to locate any prior owners of the property. This can be done through court records and land registry information. If a previous owner cannot be located through these methods, then the next step is to contact the current landlord or homeowner directly.

Once all of the previous owners have been identified and contacted, an analysis can be conducted to determine who owns the property currently. This analysis may include checking for liens or encumbrances on the property that would indicate it is not owned free and clear by its current owner. If there are any issues with owning the property according to legal documents, then Skip Tracing may provide a means for resolving those issues. In most cases skip tracing will result in identifying the true owner of a property and ensuring that all parties involved are aware of that information.

How Does Skip Tracing Work in Real Estate?

Skip tracing, also known as reverse tracing or tracking, is a process used to locate a missing person or property. In the real estate world, skip tracing is often used to locate a buyer who has not paid for a property. Skip tracing can be done through various means, such as contacting the customer’s bank, credit card companies, and other creditors. 

When a real estate agent or seller discovers that a buyer has not paid for a property, the agent or seller may want to try to contact the buyer to find out where they are. If the buyer cannot be reached, the agent or seller can use various methods to track down their whereabouts, such as contacting the customer’s friends and family members, searching social media sites, and tracking their phone calls and text messages.

Skip tracing is a process of investigating the history of a property in order to determine its current ownership. This can be helpful in identifying any possible irregularities or possible violations of policy that may have occurred on the property.

Benefits of Skip Tracing in Real Estate

Skip tracing is a process that real estate agents use to recover property that has been sold or transferred. It involves following the steps of a property transaction from start to finish in order to identify the original sale or transfer. Skip tracing can be helpful in cases where the buyer or seller cannot be identified, when there are gaps in documentation, or when the property has been lost or stolen. 

The main benefits of skip tracing in real estate are:

1. Improved chances of recovering property that has been sold or transferred.

2. Increased transparency and accuracy in property transactions.

3. Reduced time and resources needed to investigate a property transaction. 

4. Increased chances of finding the original seller or buyer.

Should You Use Skip Tracing in Your Real Estate Business?

Skip tracing is a process real estate agents use to locate a property’s previous owner. By tracing the chain of ownership, you can often connect the current owner to a previous one. This information can be valuable in order to negotiate foreclosure proceedings. 

There are a few things you should keep in mind before using skip tracing in your business. First, make sure you have the legal right to do so. Second, be prepared for long wait times and high costs. Finally, be aware that some trace requests may be denied outright. 

If you decide to use skip tracing in your real estate business, be prepared for long wait times and high costs. However, if you have the legal right to do so and are prepared for the possible delays and costs, this process can be very valuable in locating a property’s previous owner.


Skip tracing is a valuable tool that real estate agents can use to protect their client’s interests. By tracing the path of a property from the time it was sold to the current buyer, agents can ensure that all steps in between are properly documented and verified. Skip tracing provides peace of mind for buyers and sellers alike, ensuring that transactions go smoothly and without any hidden bumps in the road.